Management of Land
Customary (Adat) Forest Recognition: The State’s Commitment to the Protection of the Rights of Indigenous People in Indonesia

Customary (Adat) Forest Recognition: The State’s Commitment to the Protection of the Rights of Indigenous People in Indonesia

Introduction Customary Forest as a part of customary right (ulayat right) of Indigenous People is a manifestation of the state obligation to promote the rights of Indigenous People as stated in Article 18B paragraph (2) of the 1945 Constitution, which states "The...

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Procedures on Submitting an Objection and Consignation of Compensation to District Court in Land Procurement for Public Interest Development

Procedures on Submitting an Objection and Consignation of Compensation to District Court in Land Procurement for Public Interest Development

  Background Land procurement for the public interest development (“Land Procurement”) is an activity with an objective to acquire the land rights which will be allocated for public utilities, by giving the compensation to the land owner. The determination of...

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